Want to be part of (g)Host City?

Ghost City

(g)Host City is a sound map of Edinburgh, created by some of Scotland’s leading artists.

We would love to make our map bigger – so that, wherever you are in Scotland’s capital city, you can access a site-specific audio artwork that will transform that location, make it magical, make a political statement, engage with its history, explore its identity, subvert, deconstruct, challenge, entertain, or move you in some indefinable way.

We would like to create a year-round alternative to tourist bus tours and conventional city guides – a collective re-imagining of Edinburgh created by artists who live and work there (and artists who don’t, but who have been inspired by it in some way).

So we are looking for submissions. 

These submissions might be already existing recordings (or discreet installations in physical locations) that you would like to add to the (g)Host City map. Or they might be new ideas that you would like to develop with us. Either way, we would love to hear from you.

You can reach Andrew at seafieldroad@gmail.com and Laura at ootlands@gmail.com.

Laura and Andrew
(g)Host City



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